The Amy Fedel Memorial Reading Program - Package Request
Reading Program Home Page Amy and Lisa Home Page The Amy and Lisa Fund Home Page
The intention is for the reading packages to move around the state from library to library. Each library can have the package for four (4) weeks.

Each library is responsible for shipping the package to the next library on the list. The library will be contacted to let them know the next location.

The program is free, but each library is asked to pay the shipping costs to move the package to the next library. If this is a significant financial problem, contact the Amy and Lisa Fund to discuss scholarships.

For a library to request scheduleing of a package to come to their library:

  1. Check the website to see see the current schedule
  2. Use the online form to request the pacakge for one of the available dates
For more information about the Amy and Lisa Fund, visit the website.
!!!! review below, copied from the other page... You can request that any or all of the units of the program come to your library by filling out the form below.

This program is still relatively new so some of the information below may change as we get more experience working with the library community around the state.

The program should be requested as early as possible to allow you the best selection and to allow plenty of lead time for publicity and the like. We would like to have confirmed the program with any given library at least 3 months before the expected dates of the actual program.

The material will be shipped to your library and made available there for six weeks. We are scheduling in eight week cycles to allow shipping time on both ends.

The way the program is intended to work is:

  1. Obtain a confirmed date for the books to arrive at your library.
  2. At that point, begin publicity, room assignments, and other administrative arrangements.
  3. Start taking sign-ups up to four weeks before theactual meeting date. When a family signs up, give them 2 copies of the book. They have 4 weeks to finish reading it.
  4. On the scheduled date, reconvene with everyone who has signed up for the program and use the supplied materials to talk about the book.
  5. Inform the younger particiants that the books are available to them through the Fund. There is an outline of the request process at <link>

Please provide the following information:
If your library was not in the list above, please provide the following information:
Library information
Library Name
Library Address
Library City

Requestor's Information
Email Address

Program Information
Requested Package
Expected Participation
First Choice for Dates
Month/Year Discussion Date :
Second Choice for Dates
Month/Year Discussion Date :