Never. No more. Never. No more. No possibilities. The End. No potential. Nothing. For her: No new books to read. No more beaded necklaces to look at. No more stirring the hot fudge and ice cream and cake together at Big Boy into 'soup' For me: No more anticipating what kind of teenager she was growing up into No more wondering if any boys would date her -- that is, would they brave the beauty (the first obstacle) then, would they accept the challenge of an equal or a better (the second obstacle) then, would they be interesting to her (the third obstacle) No more trying to get her to come stroll around downtown Ann Arbor with dad and little sister No more kicking my own disorganized ass when she says 'you forgot to give me my allowance for three weeks' when she wants to buy some piece of junk for $2.95 and I'm wanting to teach her to 'save up for it' No more buying a kid's meal and a fish sandwich knowing she'll talk me into letting her eat my fish sandwich No more watching the indulgent, sometimes concerned, sometimes sympathetic look on her face when I try and sing the high notes in 'Long Time Love Song' ("I long to feel that sail leaping in the wind") No more sitting at the foot of her bed singing while Lisa says 'sit on my bed dad' No more checking all the time in case Shel Silverstein brings out a new book that I could buy to surprise her No more walking by her room at night and deciding too damned often to go by rather than go in and snuggle up in bed behind her for five or ten minutes. For her: No more "Dad, was John the Beatle who died?" No enjoying the new bike, bought after the van was hit last time only a few weeks before No more sleepovers No learning about sex No wearing the outfit she'd picked for the first day of school No watching mom and dad holding hands No teenaged girls sleepovers No getting up at 2 a.m. to breast feed a crying infant No deciding on 'this job I love or that one that pays the bills?' No first date No first breakup No sweating the question "will he get up the nerve to ask me to marry him or will I have to ask?" For me: No laying on the grass watching the stars and wondering if she's going to ask me about lingerie ads No more looking into those green blue gray eyes and wondering how we were so lucky and blessed to bring this beautiful human being into the world No more peaceful days No more peaceful nights No driving her to her college dorm and helping her settle in No more wondering if there's any way we can help her along once she actually figures out what she wants to do with her life No more listening to the lyrics of the music she likes to try and help her come to terms with it No more anything. No more anything. No more anything. No more anything. No more anything. No more anyt hing. No more anything. No more anything. - September, 1998