Talk Show - October 21 - 4:30 p.m.
A local talk show was doing a segment on Drunk Driving. The host ws Amyre Makupson, of the channel 50 news.
Four of us went to sit in the audience: me, mom, Tom and Frank. We met up with Jenny Lozano of Wayne County MADD and talked a bit about the November and December events.
I met a couple whose son was killed about 18 months ago - one of three teens killed by a drunk driver in Troy.
The talk show was largely a presentation by representatives of SADD, the student organization. I was hoping to be able to mention Amy but it was only a 30 minute show. Amyre spent 2/3 of the show in the audience, but I wasn't one of the people who was picked. I thought that was too bad. The recent victim on the panel had lost a teenager over a year ago. I though Amy's story would be pretty compelling.
The experience made me think about the value of those kinds of groups - not a grief group, but a group trying to prevent this from happening to other people. I guess this is a way of finding meaning in it. I like the idea.