Product Consultation/Design
Fedel has invented, co-developed and/or produced over 30 sports-related products, as well as consulting on development of dozens of others.

He has worked with and promoted products for such fitness-related companies as Polar, Nordic Track, Aerospoke, Huffy, Oakley, Bauer, Kryptonics, Hyper, and Roller Derby.
Fedel's most recently completed sports performance project was a new false-start detection system/reaction time training system for track and field athletes (used in the Olympics since 2000). Research used in the development of this system included data gathered over 6 years using world-class athletes such as Donovan Bailey (100 meter Olympic Gold Medalist and world record holder), Allen Johnson (Olympic Gold Medalist, hurdles-1996), Sevatheta Fynes (Olympic 100 meter Silver Medalist) and Michael Green (Olympic 100 meters).
Through his clinical work with the exercise physiology lab at Henry Ford Health System's Cardiac Wellness Center in Detroit, Michigan he worked with a broad spectrum of patients, from cardiac patients (education in exercise and lifestyle modification) to Olympic and professional athletes (testing, training and research).
Fedel has initiated numerous research studies evaluating the health and fitness benefits of specific sports and equipment, and has reported the results to a widespread audience.
These include a 1994 inline skating study evaluating the effects of body position, stroke rate and speed on cardiovascular response; a 1995 inline skating study to determine the relationship between inline wheel diameter, durometer and skating surface on dynamic coefficient of friction, a 1995 snow skating study establishing the learning curve and heart rate response of new participants to this unique sport; a 1995 showshoe running study on the effect of equipment design on heart rate response, a 1995 golf study defining weight transfer and golf grip characteristics, and a 1989 bicycling study (the premiere research study in this area using the first outdoor, portable real-time power/pedal technique monitoring device) on the effect of bicycle design and geometry as well as aerodynamic wheels on heart rate and energy expenditure.
Research was published relating to power output of elite and professional cyclists from the U.S.S.R. and professional triathletes Mike Pigg, Rob Mackle, Ironman Champion Mark Allen, professional cyclists Frankie Andreu, Michael Secrest, Kent Bostick, Andy Bishop and others.
He also designed research studies to examine the heart rate responses, calorie consumption requirements and effort level perceptions while using several brands of baby jogger/strollers; a study to determine the aerodynamic and biomechanical advantages of various new bicycle designs; and a study to determine the performance and energy-return characteristics of new aluminum-core inline skate wheels.
Orthotics & Prosthetics
His ongoing research goals include: examining efficacy measures of orthotic and/or prosthetic components, and integrating the results with input from individual clinical practitioners and interdisciplinary technology experts in order to develop or modify devices; identifying physiologic responses to training in both orthotic and prosthetic patient populations while using various O & P devices, and validating the use of newly developed measurement devices for use by practitioners in an effort to increase the documentable functional effects of orthotic and prosthetic devices.
Sports Promotion
Fedel is advisor to Michael Secrest, RAAM winner, holder of multiple cycling world records, and the only Triple Crown 500/24 cyclist in history (solo riding over 500 miles in 24 hours on all 3 venues: Indoor Track, Outdoor Track and Road). In 1996, Fedel worked with Secrest - age 43 - as he set 3 world records in 24 hours (including breaking Secrest's former world record of 24 hours of cycling in a velodrome by more than 2 m.p.h. - 11 years later). In 2006, Secrest broke yet another world record at age 53 by riding 534.7 miles in 24 hours at the ADT Event Center (L.A. Velodrome). Less than a year later, he worked with the 54-year old cycling sensation as Secrest broke that record (see, when he rode 535.8 miles at the same velodrome. En route to the 24-hour record, Secrest broke the existing 12-hour record also.
Fedel developed a health and wellness promotion team in Michigan. "Team EXTREME" was created to participate in various community events such as product demonstrations and informational clinics; promoting exercise and healthy lifestyles for thousands of children, adults and families.
Fitness Training
Fedel works with non-professional athletes such as Ed Giroux. Fedel trained with Giroux (a 60+ age-group athlete) and both completed both the Great Floridian Triathlon (GFT) 2000 and 2001. The GFT is an Ironman-distance triathlon consisting of a 2.4-mile swim, a 112-mile bike and a 26.2-mile run. Giroux's time in the 2000 race was faster than his time in his previous Ironman-distance race some 10 years earlier.
Fedel has been a contributing writer for more than a dozen magazines internationally, including Windy City Sports, Florida Sports and Texas Athlete, on topics ranging from cross-training to inline and cycling technical product information to mental training techniques. He also is technical editor for Skater Magazine and a columnist and webmaster for Fitness and Speed Skating Times, the leading international ice and speedskating publication. His research has appeared in medical journals including Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise and he has over 100 articles and journal citations to his credit.

Along with Suzanne Nottingham, he is co-author of a book, Fitness In-line Skating (Human Kinetics Publishers, 1997) which will be presented at the 1997 IDEA convention. He has (along with Pat Yaroch-Siloac, R.D.) also co-developed a unique motivational tool, the highly successful nutrition and exercise calendar the 1998 Exercise and Nutrition Calendar , and is authoring several brief texts on tips to maintain your motivation to exercise. He also contributed a chapter on heart rate training using inline skates to Precision Heart Rate Training by Ed Burke, Ph.D. for Human Kinetics. Fedel also maintains a number of websites highlighting the latest health and fitness-related information, as well as inline skating safety information.
Since 1985, Fedel has been teaching and developing classes in two of the areas in which he has the greatest experience - physical fitness/health and technology. Among the physical fitness and health related topics he has covered are:
- Training for Optimal Performance & Competing
- Physical Fitness for Everyone - a Healthy Approach
- Exercise Equipment - What to Look For
- Inline Skating - Save Time, Money and your Joints
- Lifelong Fitness - Get Started and Keep Going...
- More...
Fedel is also currently involved in teaching Internet-related classes, ranging from basic to leading-edge technology applications. Among the topics he covers are:
- Introduction to the Internet - A Beginners Course
- The Internet - A Great Communication Tool
- Introduction to HTML - Building Web Pages
- Advanced HTML - Making the Most of the Web
- Introduction to XML
- Advanced XML - XSL(T)
- More... (CSS, DTD, XHTML, DOM, etc.)
His XML-based, technology-oriented resume (viewable by Internet Explorer 5.0+ or other XML-capable browsers only) is available for viewing online at: An abbreviated portfolio of some of his website work is available at:
Fedel received his BS (with honors) in exercise science with an emphasis on physiology from Eastern Michigan University, and MS in Biomechanics from EMU in 2005, and is completing an MSOP in Orthotics and Prosthetics in the MS of Prosthetics and Orthotics Program at EMU, where he has been a full-time Lecturer in the School of Health Promotion and Human Performance since 2004. He is a Certified Exercise Specialist through the the American College of Sports Medicine, of which he has been a member since 1982.

Fedel regularly attends education classes on technology-related issues, and has taken courses in over 20 technology-related topics. Areas of interest include: VXML, WML, HDML, XML, XSL, DOM, CSS, DTD, CSS1, CSS2, ASP, JS, Perl, VRML, RS232, PC/Real-world interfaces, CAD, CAE, 3DS, 3DSL, and CAM.
Fedel is an avid competitive athlete and has completed over 100 triathlons/duathlons, 60 inline skate races, 50 bicycle races and 50 running races. Highlights include:
Qualifier for:
- Olympic trials -cycling (1988)
- Nationals - triathlon (1987-92)
- Nationals - biathlon (duathlon) (1988-92)
- Nationals - inline skating (1991-96)
Other highlights:
- Midwest Regional Champion inline skating (1995)
- 1st place overall in over 30 inline skate races (1989-96)
- Run Across Michigan (Relay - 2000)
- Bike Across Indiana (2000)
- Great Floridian Ironman™-distance triathlon (2000-2001)
- Pineman Ironman™-distance triathlon (2002)
- Columbus Marathon (2003)