Mike Fedel
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e-version of CV:
IS and training resume:
Fall 1994 - present - Washtenaw Community College, MI - lecturer for the Introduction to Philosophy course. These courses take a global view of philosophy and used texts including The Last Days of Socrates, Voices of Wisdom by Gary Kessler, God is Red by Vine DeLoria, Jr., Being Nobody, Going Nowhere: Meditations on the Buddhist Path, Ishmael by Daniel Quinn, and others.
Fall 2000 - present - University of California at Berkeley, Center for Media and Independent Learning (online course) - Comparative Philosophy (Philosophy X11). Authored the Course Guide and 8 assignments based on Voices of Wisdom by Gary E. Kessler.
Winter 1994 - present - University of California at Berkeley, Center for Media and Independent Learning (online course) - Perspectives on the Absolute in World Religions (RSX10). Authored the Course Guide and 8 assignments based on The World's Religions by Huston Smith and Sacred Texts of the World: A Universal Anthology by Ninian Smart and Richard Hecht.
Fall 1993 - present - University of California at Berkeley, Center for Media and Independent Learning (online course) - History of Western Philosophy (Philosophy X20A). Completed the Course Guide and 10 assignments for students. The course covers the Pre-Socratic period to the end of the Middle Ages. Texts: History of Western Philosophy vol. 1 and 2.
Fall 1994 - 1996 - Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI - occasional lecturer. Courses included Critical Thinking, Introduction to Philosophy, and Philosophies of Life. These courses took the same approach as the courses given at Washtenaw Community College.
1996 - 1998 - University of California at Berkeley, C.M.I.L. (online course) - Introduction to the Internet. Authored the course guide and assignments.
Spring, 1992 - Pacific School of Religion - Teaching Assistant for Prof. Durwood Foster's Introduction to Christian Theology course (ST1008). My responsibilities included conducting weekly small-group discussions of the week's reading material, reading and commenting on weekly 3 page papers from the students, and meeting for individual work with students at their request. Texts: Ruether: Sexism and God-Talk, Cone: For My People, Küng: Global Responsibility, Neville: A Theology Primer, and Hellwig, Understanding Catholicism.
Fall, 1991 - University of California at Berkeley - Reader for Prof. Huston Smith's World Religions course (RS90A). My responsibilities included grading mid-term and final examinations and 2 10-page papers for 50 students. Also held regular office hours and met with students at their request. Primary text: Prof. Smith's The World's Religions. Supplemental primary texts: Tao te Ching, Dhammapada, and Bhagavad-Gita, and selections from Qur-án, Analects of Confucius, and others.
1995-1996 | Retained as a consultant by U.C. Berkeley CMIL to help develop courses through America Online. |
1990-1992 |
Board Member and Treasurer for West-East Center for the World's Religious Traditions, Kensington, CA
Proposed and organized several panel discussions including speakers from Christian and non-Christian traditions, discussing contemporary issues such as moral decision making, abortion, and homelessness. Invited guest lecturers, participated in panel discussions, and was a respondent to speakers on various panels. |
1988-pres. | Self-employed as an Independent Computer Consultant for IBM mainframe and PC environments. (See Other Professional Experience below.) |
1992-1993 |
1992-1993 Administrative Secretary, Church for the Fellowship of All Peoples, San Francisco, CA
CA In the absence of a minister, helped organize Sunday services, proposed and contacted Christian and non-Christian guest speakers and musicians to participate in Sunday services. Provided general office support. Gave occasional sermons and meditations, as well as writing a weekly theological reflection on the subject the minister or guest planned to address. Occasionally included Christian and Buddhist meditation practices in Sunday services. |
1990-1992 |
Chair, Spiritual Environment Subcommittee, Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley,CA
In this position, I organized on-campus retreats using various Christian, Buddhist, and other meditation techniques. Also, organized spiritual autobiography sessions in which students, teachers, and administrators shared their religious experiences with others. |
1988-1990 |
1988-1990 Steering Committee, Religious Studies Club, California State University at Hayward
In this position, I convened and occasionally moderated discussion groups for students in the philosophy of religion, invited guest speakers, and proposed and organized field trips to local religious sites. |
While pursuing my B.A. and M.A. degrees, I continued to work as a computer consultant in both the mainframe and Personal Computer fields. During this time (1980 - 2000) I have developed and delivered a variety of computer-related training courses. These include a variety of languages (Java, XML, HTML, JavaScript, VBScript, perl, python, and others) and methodologies (program design and others).
I have worked as a project manager, technical analysis, operations analyst, and software designer and developer for a number of projects. I am currently working in website development and developing projects in world religions which will involve multimedia presentations as well as Internet and CBT technologies.