variable name | type | description of what the variable should contain |
titlebar | TEXT | a title you want displayed in the browser head |
bgcolor | HIDDEN | the background color for the page |
textcolor | HIDDEN | the color for all non-link text |
day | RADIO | a day of the week |
yourname | TEXT | your name |
nickname | TEXT | a nickname you might use |
woody | CHECK BOX | if value = 'yes', show photo of Woody Allen |
dianek | CHECK BOX | if value = 'yes', show photo of Diane Keaton |
bogart | CHECK BOX | if value = 'yes', show photo of Humphrey Bogart |
marilyn | CHECK BOX | if value = 'yes', show photo of Marilyn Monroe |
oprah | CHECK BOX | if value = 'yes', show photo of Oprah Winfrey |
dannyg | CHECK BOX | if value = 'yes', show photo of Danny Glover |
mycolor | SELECT | your favorite color |
myphilosopher | TEXT | your favorite philosopher |
oldest | SELECT | the age of your oldest child |
currentcity | TEXT | the city you are in right now |
comments | TEXTAREA | several lines of comments about that city |
Don't forget the SUBMIT button!