CGI FORM training - the assignment

How to run this code

You can execute this code from your FORM by adding:

Variables you need to pass

Provide the following variables which will be returned in a formatted page.
In each case, I've suggested the type of element
to use when creating the FORM. This is not
the only way to handle each one, but
is the way we'll be doing it for this class.

variable name type description of what the variable should contain
titlebar TEXT a title you want displayed in the browser head
bgcolor HIDDEN the background color for the page
textcolor HIDDEN the color for all non-link text
day RADIO a day of the week
yourname TEXT your name
nickname TEXT a nickname you might use
woody CHECK BOX if value = 'yes', show photo of Woody Allen
dianek CHECK BOX if value = 'yes', show photo of Diane Keaton
bogart CHECK BOX if value = 'yes', show photo of Humphrey Bogart
marilyn CHECK BOX if value = 'yes', show photo of Marilyn Monroe
oprah CHECK BOX if value = 'yes', show photo of Oprah Winfrey
dannyg CHECK BOX if value = 'yes', show photo of Danny Glover
mycolor SELECT your favorite color
myphilosopher TEXT your favorite philosopher
oldest SELECT the age of your oldest child
currentcity TEXT the city you are in right now
comments TEXTAREA several lines of comments about that city

Don't forget the SUBMIT button!

Click here to go see the perl code for this example.